Crockett, Texas

Appraised Value: $14,000,000.00

Licensed Value: $26,000,000.00

Building SQFT: 174,000

Land SQFT: 59+ ACRES

Capacity: 300 Max with current facility

Tier Group Cost Per Day Description Population Yearly Estimated Gross Value Cost of Business Development Net Proceeds
1 $308 Bed and Pillows 200 $22,176,000 $15,523,200 $6,652,800
2 $90 - $210 Education 200 $7,200,000 $315,000 $6,885,000
3 $66 - $104 Therapy 200 $5,136,000 $577,464 $3,310,536
4 $0 - $400 Pharmacy
5 $0 - $1200 Medical Services

Projections based on occupancy pf 200 Children

To Date:

Funds Invested In Real Estate: $5,695,000.00

Funds Invested In Business: $20,000.00

Gross Yearly proceeds: $34,512,000

Total Expenses: $16,415,664

Gross Net Proceeds: $16,848,336

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