
Appraised Value: $10,000,000.00

Licensed Value: $10,000,000.00

Building SQFT: 24,000

Land SQFT: 151, 506 = 3.48 Acres

Capacity: 71 with room to expand to 300 w/ development of 8 new housing structures @ 8,000 SQFT

Tier Group Cost Per Day Description Population Yearly Estimated Gross Value Cost of Business Development Net Proceeds
1 $308.00 Average Beds and Pillows 71 $7,842,480 $5,501,480 $2,331,774
2 $90 - $210 Education 71 $2,556,000 $105,850 $2,450,150
3 $66 - $104 Therapy 71 $1,823,280 $443,404 $1,380,240
4 $0 - $400 Pharmacy
5 $0 - $1200 Medical Services

Projections Based On Occupancy of 71 @ $308 Daily

To Date:

Funds Invested In Real Estate: $3,506,665

Funds Invested In Business: $20,000.00

Funds Earned: 

Gross Yearly proceeds: $12,221,760

Total Expenses: $6,059,370

Gross Net Proceeds: $6,162,164

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